Quotation of the day on the ‘privilege of prosperity’ and ‘American privilege’……

….. is from Alyssa Ahlgren’s op-ed in Alpha NewsThe privilege of being woke” (bold added):

The institutions running our society are subscribing to the dogma of wokeness because, frankly, they have nothing better to do. The United States, and Western countries in general, are tainted by a little something called privilege. No, not the kind of privilege the left likes to parrot, like white privilege or male privilege. No, I’m talking about the privilege of prosperity. I’m talking about American privilege. This type of privilege knows no race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. This type of privilege only knows geography. When you are located in the freest, most prosperous nation in the world, then you, my friend, are privileged.
Why do we nonsensically talk about woke social issues that are of no real-world consequence to the average American? Everyone is equal under law. Our nation’s poverty line is 35 times the global average. America is one of the youngest countries yet has the longest standing constitution on earth, providing us extraordinary freedom and liberties. But we are overtaken by declarations of marginalization because the woke left who control the country’s major institutions can’t handle their own privilege. They feel guilty for the prosperity America provides instead of being grateful for it.

The uprising in critical race theory and the notion of systemic racism is another example of how this guilt and search for power has manifest itself. No one has been able to provide substantiated evidence of systemic racism besides pointing to statistical disparities among minorities — excluding Asians of course — and calling that “proof” in of itself.

Contrary to the idea of a racially decrepit America, black Americans are the most successful group of people of African descent in the world. More black families in the United States live in the middle and upper classes than in the low-income bracket. Nigerian Americans have an average income of $5,000 more than the nation’s annual average. If we are a systemically racist country, we are the worst systemically racist country in history.

Instead of counting their blessings and making the most out of the great gift of living in America, woke progressives feel the need to be oppressed, or an ally of the so-called oppressed, in order to harness the power of moral authority. They collect the virtue that comes with fighting against a perceived evil. In the absence of true systemic discrimination and widespread adversity, leftists have created their own faux obstacles to combat in order to fight their internal guilt that stems from their inherent fortune of being an American.

A family in Uganda living on $20 a day doesn’t care about transgender representation in movies or think about the number of women who choose to be in STEM fields. Citizens living under communist tyranny in China and Cuba don’t care about critical race theory or corporate virtue signaling; they’re too busy dreaming of living in a free capitalist society. Woke ideology only exists in prosperity and privilege.

White privilege, male privilege, wealthy privilege, cis-gender privilege, heterosexual privilege, able-bodied privilege — you get the idea — have nothing on egotistical, woke privilege. America isn’t perfect, no country is, but she has done more to alleviate the sins of her past than any other. She has seen more safety, freedom, prosperity, and success than any other. Spitting in the face of that isn’t “woke.” It’s privileged.

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