What sellers really want from a listing agent

Recently I was asked, “What do sellers really want from me when I go on a listing appointment?”

Sellers want to be heard. Sellers today have access to information and technology, and they want to know they are speaking to an expert who can give them wise advice. They want you to listen to their goals, their dreams, their wishes. They want to tell you about their property. They want you to appreciate their property. They want you to be the champion of their home, of their value, and they want to know that you’re going to fight for them.

Next, they want to hear about the marketing. What are the things you’re going to do to bring exposure to the property, but to also deliver that right buyer? Emphasizing the proactive marketing methods will help you get away from spending a significant amount of money on marketing. Because now you’re showing them that it’s not just about running ads in a magazine, it’s about the proactive things you do to go out and find the ideal buyer.

Make sure you’re leveraging the tools and the resources that your company provides. Whatever tool, technology or feature you are presenting, you need to answer the question, “How does this benefit the seller?”

Of course, they want to know a little bit about you and your track record. For those of you who have a strong track record, leverage how your experience and expertise will net them more money. For those of you who do not have a big track record, leverage the power of the track record of your company. Use what you’ve got.

After that, you need to prove to them that you will follow through with everything you say you’ll do. The proof will be in your reviews and your testimonials.

In summary here is what they really want to know:

  • That you’re on their side, defending their home, defending its value.
  • They want to know who you are and what you bring to the table and that they feel comfortable working with you.
  • They want to know a little bit about what you are going to do to market their home and find their ideal buyer.
  • And finally, they want some reassurance or proof that you will keep those promises and keep those commitments.

Think about it from their perspective. Walk a mile in their shoes. Enter the conversation in their mind. When you’re there at that meeting, make it very engaging and interactive and show them that you are really listening.

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