This app lets homeowners generate floor plans of their homes for free

In a recent survey by the National Association of Realtors, floor plans ranked as the third most desired listing feature for homebuyers, after photos and detailed listing information. But floor plans are a relative rarity on multiple listings services: only 10-15% home listings in the U.S. have floor plans.

CubiCasa, a real estate software company based in Finland, launched a new product to enable homeowners to generate floor plans at no cost through their app.

After putting in the property address, CubiCasa’s 2D Floor Plans app enables a scan through a phone collecting raw scan imagery. In 24 hours, the floor plan sketching technology provides a high-resolution floor plan file of the house, the company said.

“By offering a free version of our mobile scanning technology in the U.S., we’re helping potential buyers make more informed decisions, while empowering agents and sellers to market their properties more effectively, and supporting a modern valuation process for both appraisers and lenders,” said Jeff Allen, president of CubiCasa.

While floor plans are in high demand by homebuyers, they’re still a niche product in the U.S., said Allen. “In other real estate markets around the world, floor plans are quite common, and we think it’s time the U.S. caught up,” he said.

The app features optional add-on selections where users can get floor plans with fixed installations such as kitchen cabinetry, bathroom fixtures and appliances and a Gross Living Area (GLA) report aligned with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards for $15 each. With a $10 payment, users can request to receive the floor plan in six hours, according to CubiCasa. 

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CubiCasa said its technology accurately calculates square footage helps minimize inconsistencies and variation in the property data collection and inspection process. According to the firm, square footage calculation is the second-highest driver of a home’s value, after location.

The Finnish firm claims that its technology is used in 172 countries and created more than 1 million floor plans.

In September 2021, Clear Capital bought CubiCasa, which is now a fully owned subsidiary of Clear Capital that operates independently of its corporate parent. With the acquisition, CubiCasa’s automated floor plan sketching technology was integrated with Clear Capital’s ClearInsight Platform, a mobile property data collection application. 

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