Steve Murray analyzes the secrets to 10-year high growth brokerages

Today’s RealTrending features Steve Murray, senior advisor to RealTrends and a partner with RTC Consulting. Murray recently researched more than 730 real estate firms to find out the leaders in growth over the past 10 years. The report, The Secrets of Top-Growth Firms, is available now.

Here are some of the insights he shared about the firms in the top 50 of each category.

Here is a small preview of today’s interview with Steve Murray. The transcript below has been lightly edited for length and clarity:

Tracey Velt: I know you picked four categories, you studied growth in sales volume, growth in close transaction sides, growth in agent count. And then from that, the growth in agent productivity. I noticed that only two brokerage firms made all four of those lists. So, let’s talk about them and your analysis about what you feel led them to outperform their peers.

Steve Murray: I think the most interesting thing is that the firm that was No. 1 in all three of the growth categories, sides, agents, volume was also in the top, I think, 15 of all companies in growth in agent productivity. And it’s a big Keller Williams company based in Dallas-Fort Worth. And I know them, and some of the growth was through acquisition and some of it was through organic growth. It was half of both.

So, here’s a company and they were far and away the largest in the agent transactions and volume growth. But the interesting thing is to have somebody that’s a very large brokerage company who has grown that fast also was one of the top 15 in the country in growth in agent productivity.

They just have this intense focus on growth and training. They focus on it and are intentional. And this company has the attention of the leadership and invest money in people to do it. And you hear this story over and over again.

RealTrending features the brightest minds in real estate. Twice a month, brokerage leaders, top agents, team leaders, and industry experts share their success secrets, trends, and lessons learned navigating this ever-changing industry. Hosted by Tracey Velt and produced by Elissa Branch.

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