Patrick Moore’s Prager U videos

According to Wikipedia, Patrick Albert Moore (born June 15, 1947) is a Canadian industry consultant, former activist, and past president of Greenpeace Canada. Since leaving Greenpeace in 1986, Moore has criticized the environmental movement for what he sees as scare tactics and disinformation, saying that the environmental movement “abandoned science and logic in favor of emotion and sensationalism”.[2] Moore has also denied the consensus of the scientific community on climate change, having stated that increased carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere is beneficial,[7] that there is no proof that anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions are responsible for global warming,[8] and that even if true, increased temperature would be beneficial to life on Earth.[7]

I have featured Patrick Moore many times on CD in recent years and now present three of his Prager U videos below:

1. Video I (above) is “Why I Left Greenpeace” (2.4 million views). Patrick Moore explains why he helped to create Greenpeace, and why he decided to leave it. What began as a mission to improve the environment for the sake of humanity became a political movement in which humanity became the villain and hard science a non-issue.

2. Video II (above) is “The Truth About CO2” (660,000 views). Global Warming activists will tell you that CO2 is bad and dangerous. The EPA has even classified it as a pollutant. But is it? Patrick Moore provides some surprising facts about the benefits of CO2 that you won’t hear in the current debate.

3. Video III (above) is “What They Haven’t Told You about Climate Change” (3.7 million views). Since time immemorial, our climate has been and will always be changing. In the video above, Patrick Moore explains why “climate change,” far from being a recent human-caused disaster, is, for a myriad of complex reasons, a fact of life on Planet Earth.

The post Patrick Moore’s Prager U videos appeared first on American Enterprise Institute – AEI.