Introducing the AEI Conservative Education Reform Network

There is little in the realm of public policy that can
advance opportunity, family, and the American creed as powerfully as does
education. Yet it can seem today that too many in education seem intent on
embracing bureaucracy, division, and a war on rigor.  And, if we’re honest, when it comes to
education, conservatives have often stumbled — faring better when it comes to
explaining what we’re against than what we’re for.

Via Twenty20

Conservatives are positioned to lead on education far more
effectively than we currently do. Unburdened by entanglements with unions,
public bureaucracies, or the academy, the right is free to reimagine
institutions and arrangements in ways that the left is not. There is much being
done that is good and valuable, but in a sector dominated by left-leaning
associations, advocacy groups, and foundations, those who approach this work
with a conservative heart can find it difficult to connect with allies,
supporters, and collaborators. 

To that end, we are pleased to announce that today we are launching the Conservative Education Reform Network (CERN). The network will cultivate a national community of conservative leaders in education, spanning a broad array of issue areas, positions, regions, and viewpoints. At its launch, the network boasts more than 75 members, hailing from more than half the states, working in a variety of roles, and offering a far-flung range of expertise.

We hope CERN will cultivate creative solutions to vexing challenges in early childhood, K–12, and higher education and connect public officials, educators, savvy advocates, and funders in order to drive change in all manner of milieus — from the school house to the White House. We also hope CERN will serve as a resource for those looking to drive change, a redoubt for educators and reformers who feel isolated or trapped in a woke funhouse, and a beacon to those across the land who are eager to find ways to promote opportunity, strengthen communities, and fulfill the American promise.

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