Important Asia Provisions in the House and Senate 2025 NDAA

Below are key provisions on the Indo-Pacific in the House and Senate National Defense Authorization bills:

Topic House NDAA Provisions Senate NDAA Provisions
United States U.S. Capabilities and Posture Section 1755: Prohibits funding authorized for the Indo-Pacific from being diverted
Section 175: Requires assessment of inventory levels of air-to-air missiles needed to support plans of INDO-PACOM
Section 1055: Requires plan to support fielding of air base defense sites in the Indo-Pacific
Section 1643: Requires report on roles and responsibilities within DoD with respect to hypersonic threats
Section 927: Requires the feasibility and advisability of establishing a Defense Industrial Revitalization Board
Section 1080: Requires tabletop exercise assessing the ability of the US to confront threats in the Indo-Pacific region during extreme weather
Section 1304: Requires a medical readiness program to gain access to foreign medical facilities during peacetime and wartime
Section 734: Requires study to determine the requirements for combat medical support in the Indo-Pacific
Section 922: Requires establishment of, and annual report on, a Senior Integration Group for the Indo-Pacific
Section 1065: Requires review and report on operational plans of the DoD
Section 125: Requires annual report on surface ship suppliers
Section 1023: Requires a competitive demonstration and assessment of extra-large unmanned underwater vehicles
Section 1255: Requires assessment of the feasibility of hosting foreign military forces in Guam
Section 1537: Prohibits the integration of the US defense missile system with Russia or China
Section 721: Requires a medical readiness program to gain access to foreign medical facilities
Nuclear Weapons and Deterrence Section 3111: Prohibits Chinese and Russian citizens from any national security laboratory of nuclear weapons production facility
Section 3112: Requires certification that China and Russia do not possess naval capabilities similar to the W76-2
Section 1622: Requires plan for strategic nuclear forces during delivery vehicle transition
Section 3120: Prohibits foreign adversaries from accessing technology or facilities related to the NNSA  
Government Contracting and Acquisition Section 173: Prohibits the use of Chinese and DPRK made light detection and ranging technology
Section 885: Requires report on the purchase of critical minerals and magnets from China
Section 809b: Prohibits purchasing goods from Temu or Shein
Section 603: Prohibits investments in Chinese military companies through the Thrift Savings Plan
Section 802: Prohibits contracting with entities that contract with lobbyists for Chinese military companies
Section 881: Requires GAO report on potential conflicts of interest for contractors who also perform work for China
Section 1303: Amends public reporting requirements for Chinese military companies operating in the US
Section 1706: Prohibits funding any entity based in China or whose ownership is Chinese
Section 1751: Require revocation of security clearances for persons affiliated with a Chinese military company
Section 115: Requires the establishment of a shipping container production facility at a US Army installation
Section 855: Sets annual requirements for sourcing lithium-ion batteries from allied nations
Section 883: Prohibits acquisition of light detection ranging technology from adversaries
Section 629 and 889: Prohibits procuring garlic and seafood originating in China
Section 885: Sets annual requirements to phase out office technology manufactured by China
Section 851: Requires annual disclosure of waivers issued for services or materials purchased from adversaries
Section 853: Requires covered entities to report work performed for China
Section 1258: Amends required reporting of Chinese military companies operating in the US
Section 888: Sets annual requirements for sourcing advanced chemistry batteries from allied nations
Allies and Partners Allied Capabilities and Posture Section 1242: Requires report on allied contributions to the common defense
Section 1301: Extends and modifies Pacific Deterrence Initiative
Section 253: Requires plan for expansion of Hacking for Defense Program to include AUKUS, Quad, and NATO
Section 1259: Requires annual report on the military capabilities of allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific
Section 1243: Permit extension of Pacific Deterrence Initiative and inclusion of Japan and South Korea
Section 1245: Amends Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative
Section 1531: Requires compatibility between the integrated air and missile defense systems of NATO and the Indo-Pacific region
Section 1241: Establishes authority for the Indo-Pacific Security Assistance Initiative
Section 1248: Amends Joint Force Headquarters Plans for Japan and Australia
Section 1250: Requires plan and annual report on Trilateral Security Cooperation with Japan and South Korea
Section 1242: Requires report on multilateral security assistance initiatives with Japan, Australia, and South Korea.
Section 343: Requires report on landing fees collected at Air Force installations abroad, including Kunsan Air Base
Section 323: Requires pilot program to repair forward-deployed ships in foreign shipyards
Section 1256: Requires report on the costs of meeting environmental requirements imposed by Indo-Pacific partners
Section 1257: Requires report on the activities of civic action teams in the Freely Associated States
Section 1264: Amends cooperative program with Vietnam to include Vietnamese personnel missing in action
Section 1244: Permit extension of Bien Hoa Dioxin Cleanup in Vietnam
Taiwan Section 1313: Requires study on the feasibility of enhanced defense industrial base cooperation with Taiwan
Section 1321: Requires report on Taiwan’s military preparedness
Section 1319: Requires report on feasibility of developing and deploying asymmetrical naval assets in defense of Taiwan
Section 254: Requires report on establishing a partnership between the DIU and Taiwan’s Defense Ministry
Section 1318: Requires the naval forces of Taiwan be invited to future RIMPAC exercises
Section 1305: Prohibits promotion of “one country, two systems” solution for Taiwan
Section 1712: Requires use of “Taiwan” and prohibits use of “Chinese Taipei”
Section 1253: Requires study on the feasibility of enhanced defense industrial base cooperation with Taiwan
Section 1261: Requires fielding a common operating picture with Taiwan
Section 1252: Requires plan for establishment of a regional contingency stockpile for Taiwan
Section 1251: Allows for required reports on weapons transfers to Taiwan to be classified
Section 1246: Requires establishment of a joint program with Taiwan on military trauma care and research
AUKUS Section 1018: Allows incrementally funded contracts for the construction of a Virginia-class submarine
Section 1058: Requires assessment of fixed-price, multi-year procurement contracts for Virginia-class submarines
Section 569g: Requires report on implementation of a Skillbridge program for the submarine industrial base
Section 129: Allows incrementally funded contracts for the construction of a Virginia-class submarine
Section 3115: Requires briefing on AUKUS activities over the past calendar year  
Extended Deterrence   Section 1247: Establishes a pilot program for educating Japanese, Australian, and South Korean officials on nuclear deterrence
Section 1249: Requires plan for strengthening US extended deterrence to South Korea
China Global Influence and Activities Section 1315: Requires official be designated responsible for monitoring PLA overseas basing
Section 1069h: Requires report on Chinese influence in the Pacific Islands
Section 1243: Requires information on China-Iran relations in annual report
Section 1725: Requires assessment of defense cooperation between China and South Africa
Section 1765: Requires report with recommendations on countering Chinese influence in Africa
Section 3521: Requires assessment of the ability of Shanghai Shipping Exchange to manipulate container freight markets
Section 1317: Prohibits funding entertainment entities tied to China
Section 1709: Prohibits funding any film subject to alterations at the request of Chinese officials
Section 1250: Requires report on Chinese and Russian military activity in the Arctic region
Section 1320: Requires report on Chinese and Russian malign activities
Section 1738: Requires report on China and Russia’s use of transportable nuclear power for military and soft power purposes
Section 1051: Requires report on Chinese activity at the Panama Canal
Section 1043: Prohibits funding entertainment projects tied to China
Section 1271: Requires report on cooperation between Russia and China
People’s Liberation Army Section 1205: Requires report on compliance with limitations in military-to-military exchanges with China
Section 1735: Requires report on antagonistic use of satellites by China
Section 1314: Requires information on military and security developments on the Tibetan Plateau
Section 1306 and 1308: Amends prohibition of Chinese participation in RIMPAC exercise
Section 1069j: Requires report on use of rifle-toting robot dogs by China
Section 1254: Requires strategy for countering malign PLA activity
Section 1534: Requires report on ballistic missile threats against Guam from China and the DPRK
Section 1262: Requires report on corruption in the People’s Liberation Army  
Chinese Unmanned Aircraft Section 178: Requires study on sources of parts for unmanned aircraft systems not produced or sold by Chinese military companies
Section 223: Requires dismantling of DJI drone and report on manufacturing and security information
Section 1722: Requires analysis of any unmanned aircraft systems entities that should be identified as a Chinese military company
Chinese Tutoring Section 809c: Prohibits the contracting of online tutoring services from Chinese owned entities and report on any data transfers
Section 1047: Prohibits funding being used for
Section 886: Prohibits the contracting of online tutoring services from Chinese owned entities  
Chinese Biotech Section 1045: Prohibits funding being used for EcoHealth Alliance Inc.
Section 1707: Prohibits funding any laboratory owned by China or the DPRK, and any gain-of-function research
Section 244: Requires assessment of China’s biotechnology capabilities
Section 1265: Prohibits funds from being used for EcoHealth Alliance Inc.  

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