HIMARS: A Peek Inside AEI

HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) has been in the news, in part because the weapon has been so useful to the Ukrainians in fighting the Russians, in part because it’s flavor of the month. Now the Taiwanese want it too. But is it useful for everyone, or just fashionable? Should we be selling weaponry out of US stocks—and depleting those stocks—to the Ukrainian military? Can Taiwan even use short-range rockets against a potential Chinese invasion?

These are multidisciplinary questions, and one of the ways AEI scholars answer out-of-area queries is to turn to their colleagues. We use our internal listservs to pose, answer, debate, argue, and educate each other. Those are mostly private messages, shorthand, for internal use only. But on the HIMARS debate, the points were so interesting (yes to Taiwan), the counter-arguments so persuasive (and authoritative; nothing like asking Army about Army), the lessons of Normandy (you heard that right) so important, we thought to share. Take a look at some of AEI’s internal workings here. Scholars are hyperlinked with their contributions. Don’t hesitate to join the conversation, their emails are on their home pages.

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