Freddie Mac names Donna Corley head of single-family business

Donna Corley has been running Freddie Mac’s single-family business on an interim basis since David Lowman stepped down in October, but the government-sponsored enterprise is now removing the interim from Corley’s title.

Freddie Mac announced Thursday that Corley has been named executive vice president and head of the company’s single-family business.

As the head of single-family, Corley will oversee all of the GSE’s business relationships with its Seller/Servicers, the performance of its guarantee book, and all sourcing, servicing and business operations.

Corley will report directly to CEO David Brickman and serve as a member of Freddie Mac’s senior operating committee.

“Donna Corley is a proven, respected leader and I am pleased to announce that she will lead the company’s single-family business,” Brickman said. “I’ve had the pleasure of working with Donna for more than two decades. Her qualifications, record of accomplishment and commitment to our clients make her the best choice to lead this critical business line at such an exciting moment for our company.”

Corley has been with Freddie Mac since 1995. Her first role was as a research analyst. In the convening years, Corley held several other roles with the company, including positions within the investment and capital markets division.

Corley then went to work in the single-family division, eventually leading its credit pricing, risk transfer and securitization teams.

Before being named interim head of single-family, Corley served as senior vice president and single-family chief risk officer, where she led a team of 500 employees responsible for analyzing, modeling and managing the risks that impact single-family.

“I am thrilled to accept this role at such an important time for our business and the housing market,” Corley said. “As a mission-based company, we have the ability to help overcome some of the most fundamental obstacles to homeownership. I’m excited to be leading that effort for our single-family division.”

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