Four steps to maximize your conference investment

There seems to be today an endless array of conference opportunities for agents, team leaders and broker-owners. The season is approaching when your brokerage brand is conducting its annual or regional conference.

Professional conferences are an unparalleled opportunity to build your network, get new ideas, deepen connections, get out of your routine and shake things up. What you learn at the conference can be just as important as the steps you take afterward.

Yet so many of us fail to act. Why?

Probably because you went home with loads of information to digest and a feeling of being overwhelmed. So, create a post-conference action plan that empowers you. The key to a successful post-conference routine is taking action. Regardless of what conference you attend, you might want to consider my four-step post-conference guide.

Here are my four steps to maximize your conference investment:

Network post-event

Don’t forget those connections you made. Close the loop, follow up and build relationships for referrals, accountability and more.

Leverage your social channels

Communicate your investments online to show potential customers your commitment to excellence, and your commitment to serving them at the highest level. Create public posts based on what you learned at the conference to focus on serving your customers and potential customers better.

Organize your notes into a checklist 

Share the conference items you are committed to acting on with an accountability partner, mentor or coach. Do you have a checklist? A checklist not only helps you get more done, but your brain loves them. According to research summarized by best-selling author Maria Konnikova, here are some of the reasons why:

  • Your mind seeks organization. Lists tap into our preferred way of receiving and organizing information at a subconscious level; from an information-processing standpoint, they often hit our attentional sweet spot. When we process information, we do so spatially. For instance, it’s hard to memorize through brute force the groceries we need to buy. It’s easier to remember everything if we write it down in bulleted or numbered points.
  • Your mind wants to categorize. We can’t process information quickly when it’s clustered and undifferentiated (like in standard paragraphs). A list feels more intuitive.
  • Your mind wants to know how long this will take. The more we know about something —including precisely how much time it will consume — the greater the chance we will commit to it.
  • List completion is self-reinforcing. We recall with pleasure that we were able to check something off the list. This makes us want to go back to the list for another dopamine hit. Do your brain a favor and break down what you learned and your action steps into a series of checklists.

Take action NOW!

Don’t wait! Nothing good happens when you wait.

So, there you have it, the four steps to win the post-conference game. Want to attend a conference and try out the four-step plan, but don’t know where to get started? Start with RealTrend’s own Gathering of Eagles. This conference is the must-attend event of 2023 for real estate presidents, senior leaders, and broker-owners. It kicks off on June 18 in Austin, Texas. Real estate leaders who want to attend should click here for more registration information.

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