
That’s it folks. Had to come back for a minute to (finally) make the housing call.


Over two years since we ended the blog, over five years since we started it.

Housing crashed. The world crashed. Markets crashed. 300,000+ realtors-on-commission went away, the rest of the cockroaches left scurrying to pick up crumbs. Millions of lives destroyed. Countries failed. Companies failed. 10%+ unemployment. Trillions of taxpayer dollars wasted. A desperate Fed. A pissed-off population. Traitors in DC. Angelo Mozilo still drinking Mai-Tais on his veranda.

But now, it’s time. Finally.


Buy, buy, buy, buy, buy.

This combination of low interest rates, low home prices, inventory oversupply, desperate sellers and great P/E’s will never happen again in your lifetime. Or your children’s lifetime. And then of course there’s the reinflation/currency debasement underway, but you know all about that.

So this is it.


It’s the P/E, it will always be the P/E. And the forward P/E. It hath been foretold.

Do your own math.


Peace out.