Bonus quotation of the day on risk as the very soul of our existence….

….. is from Joe Soucheray’s op-ed in the St. Paul Pioneer PressRisk is the very soul of our existence“:

A word keeps coming up from the authorities who are trying to guide us, presumably in our own self-interest. They appear to be disabusing us of the idea of risk.


Risk is fundamental to the human condition. We cannot be made free of risk, nor should a government entity believe that such an impossible task is their mandate. Such a mandate opens the door to, in the future, there being other unknown manipulations of our behavior. If we are told by the government not to sing or talk loudly at our own family table, it is not necessarily far-fetched to imagine the unimaginable.

I think we have fallen under the rubric of being careful what you wish for if you wish for a government to save you from risk. Risk is the very soul of our existence. Without it we are not dead, but we are deadened.

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