Are you making this real estate social media mistake?

It’s no secret, real estate agents who use social media Marketing in their business plan tend to attract more home buyer and seller leads. 

I’ve seen some with 1,000 followers and those with 100K followers who are killing it online because they are using Instagram and Facebook as a lead generation tool, not just a social media network.

The difference between those who attract leads on social and those who don’t is all about what they’re posting. One of the biggest mistakes I see a lot of real estate agents make is that they put all of their eggs in one basket and only SELL, SELL, SELL. 

Instead of muddying up your profile with listings and educational content that can be found on Google, you should think of your social media as a resource for people looking to move to your city or town.

What do I mean by that? Let’s break it down.

The biggest social media mistake agents make

It’s so important to post a good mix of educational and engaging content on social media. However, many real estate agent bore followers with the same educational posts that followers can find on Google. 

“Here’s what you need to buy a home.”

“Here’s why your credit sucks and how to fix it.”


Instead, what really engages potential leads and followers is posting content that they cant’ find on Google. Make your instagram a resource hub for real estate and most importantly, your city. 

5 things to post on social media to attract more leads

1. Become the digital mayor

You want to be the digital go-to for your city. Let your followers know about local happenings and the best place to grab a burger. Share information about community get-togethers. Is there a big 5K run happening this weekend? Share info about it! You can head to your stories and talk about it, or do a weekly roundup type post. Speaking of weekly roundups, let’s dive into that.

2. Share a weekly round up of local events

This will take some planning, but prepare a weekly post of local happenings that are happening that week and tag the businesses and people involved. They’ll be more likely to share that post and get your content in front of their followers.

3. Sprinkle in homeownership FOMO posts

Instead of the boring educational content on how to become a homeowner, tell them why they should become a homeowner. Share beautiful photos of home, give them home decor tips so they can see themselves living out the American Dream of homeownership. Share stats about homeowners and buying versus renting. Show them what they’re missing out on.

4. Make the listing about the listing and not you

We see so many real estate agents making their listings about them and not the actual listing. They want their picture bigger, their logo bigger. But at the end of the day, you’re there to solve a problem and help them buy a new home. So don’t make the listing about you. There are ways to subtly brand your listings so that people will start to learn your brand and know when it’s your listing. Use the same brand colors and fonts every time, have your picture down in the lower right-hand corner with your name and logo. But don’t make the listing about you.

5. Share reasons to move to your city

Sure, people can get online and research the town they’re interested in moving to and buying a home in. But what if they had an insider’s look at why they should be a part of your community? This is your time to make your town shine! What does your city stand for? What’s the weather like? Do you have something historically important about your town that others don’t? Share those fun facts and why it’s the best city ever.

The best advice we give our clients: Be a learn-from-me account, not a look-at-me account. Share the best resources, be intentional with your content, and spread the hyperlocal love! You will attract the right audience to your account and get better engagement when you speak their language instead of being the typical stock image, generic captions kinda Realtor.

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