Come join me at my new blog: “Soot and Ashes – Reinventing America After the Housing Crash”

It’s now time to rebuild.

It’s now time to reinvent.

It’s time to reflect on how we got into this mess, and how we can get out of it.

It’s time for America to face its challenges head-on.

And it’s time to hope again.

The housing crash, while devastating, should serve as a wake-up call, for America and for the world.

We simple could not keep on keeping on. We need to alter course. And in many cases, if we’re to rise out of the ashes, we need to radically change.

I’ve started a new blog as of today, a work in progress, and I call it “Soot and Ashes”. It’s at or Call it a think tank for the regular guy. We’ll discuss all the good stuff. Or as I say today:

“A centrist blog hitting on all the good stuff: Politics. Economics. Fiscal Policy. Foreign Policy. Moral Issues. Culture. Investments. Religion. Humor. Life.”

If you’re a free thinking, optimistic, open-minded, solutions-oriented person, you may like it. If you’re an ignorant, negative, closed-minded, hard-core Democrat or Republican, you’ll hate it.

If you’re so inclined, please join me over at Soot and Ashes.

It’s time to rebuild. It’s time to reinvent. It’s time to hope.