COVID concerns at Christmas

As the year draws to an end, we’re grateful for all the work
pollsters have done tracking attitudes since the pandemic began two years ago.
Their findings have chronicled the anxiety and fatigue many Americans have felt
toward COVID-19 throughout the year, yet polls have also shown public resilience
and hope for a return to normal.

Last week, the Axios/Ipsos Coronavirus Index released its 59th wave of data, and other pollsters have been very active as well. Based on its extensive work, Gallup reported this week that Americans have been keenly aware of “changes in [COVID-19’s] severity including this summer, as the highly contagious Delta variant swept through the country; this fall, as it tapered; and more recently, as the Omicron variant emerged as a new threat.” Both Gallup and Axios/Ipsos paint similar pictures of where we are today. Gallup reports that although Omicron has “dented US optimism,” at least at this stage, the new variant has not changed personal levels of concern, which have been flat since August. Nor has the pollster seen an uptick in mask-wearing. The public’s views on avoiding large groups or traveling have remained consistent this fall. Axios/Ipsos also reports that few Americans “have increased the rate in which they wear masks or social distance in public and the vast majority intend to gather with friends and family over the holidays.” Morning Consult’s “Return to Normal” trend data also show “omicron hasn’t had the same dampening effect as delta,” and AP/NORC reports that “Americans are looking forward to making merry with friends and family this December.”

The relative calm about personal concern could reflect the fact that more Americans are vaccinated (and now boosted) than were when Delta emerged. Or, it may be because Omicron’s symptoms appear to be less severe than previous waves. All this could change again, of course, but it is nice to end a long year with the sense of some personal optimism that these polls reveal.

The post COVID concerns at Christmas appeared first on American Enterprise Institute – AEI.