2021 Update: “For every 100 girls…..” Part I

In 2011, Thomas G. Mortenson, senior scholar at the Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education in Washington, D.C. and independent higher education policy analyst, put together and published the 100+ item list “For Every 100 Girls….” on Education Week. In an email, Tom explained to me that “At the time I initially wrote it I was hearing and reading that boys were no different than girls, and the data I was looking at said something very different. Our differences are important, to both genders, and should be respected. Education has a long way to go to recognize, appreciate, and address these differences through educational opportunities tailored to these differences.”

With Tom’s permission, I’ve updated about half of the items on the original list with the most recent data available and added some new items that demonstrate empirically the many significant differences between boys (men) and girls (women) on many measures of health outcomes, educational outcomes, educational and learning disabilities, suicide and homicide rates, incarceration rates, alcohol and drug abuse, behavior problems leading to suspension or expulsion in school, homelessness, job deaths, military deaths, crime victimhood, etc. Part I appears below, and Parts II and III will appear shortly.

1. Birth and Death (20)  

  • For every 100 girl babies who die in the first 27 days of life 127.5 boy babies die.
  • For every 100 girl babies who die after the first 27 days but in the first year of life 130 boy babies die.
  • For every 100 infant girls who die under one year old, 128 infant boys die.
  • For every 100 girls ages 1 to 4 years who die 141 boys die.
  • For every 100 girls ages 5 to 14 years who die 130 boys die.
  • For every 100 girls and women ages 15 to 24 years who die 270 boys and men die.
  • For every 100 women ages 25 to 34 who die 227 men die.
  • For every 100 women ages 35 to 44 who die 177 men die. 

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics

MP: For those in the social constructionist movement who argue that the differences between men and women are entirely social conventions, how can these significant differences in gender be explained?

See chart above that includes some of the items above, and items that will appear in Part II and Part III.

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