Celebrating the birthday of John Venn, creator of the Venn diagram, with what else? Some Venn diagrams!

British mathematician John Venn (pictured above, click to enlarge) was born on August 4, 1834, so tomorrow will mark the 187th anniversary of his birth in Hull, England. John Venn is most known for creating and introducing the Venn diagram in 1880, which has been used in the fields of set theory, probability, logic, statistics, and computer science according to his Wikipedia page. Interestingly, Venn himself did not use the term “Venn diagram,” instead he referred to his diagrams as “Eulerian Circles.” It wasn’t until 1918 that Venn’s invention was referred to as a “Venn diagram” by Clarence Irving Lewis in his book “A Survey of Symbolic Logic.”

To recognize the anniversary of John Venn’s birthday on Sunday I present 20 of my Venn diagrams below, which have all appeared on CD, Facebook and/or Twitter. Thanks to John Venn, I now have a part-time job as a Venn diagram graphic artist/specialist — they are a very effective way to illustrate graphically the intellectual inconsistencies that are widespread and commonplace among the public, especially with our left-leaning friends. Over the years, I have created more than 200 Venn diagrams and some are available here at this link: Venn Diagram Archives.

1. Venn Diagram of the Day I (above) on those who once supported MLK’s philosophy of judging individuals by their character without considering their melanin or genitals but who today promote identity politics with primary attention to an individual’s skin color and sex.


2. Venn Diagram II (above). If America is so inflicted and infected with intractable racism and toxic white supremacy then why do so many people of color want to come here?


3. Venn Diagram III (above) on the double-standard some people on Title IX prohibition of sex discrimination. I’m not sure this will actually translate to uniform enforcement of Title IX violations, but President Biden recently issued an “Executive Order on Guaranteeing an Educational Environment Free from Discrimination on the Basis of Sex,” where he stated unequivocally that “It is the policy of my Administration that all students should be guaranteed an educational environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex.”


4. Venn Diagram IV (above) on those who fail to understand that international trade is just a form of innovative technology that raises our standard of living, lowers prices, and increases net jobs.


5. Venn Diagram V (above) on those who celebrate International Women’s Day but believe that womanhood is an arbitrary, oppressive social construct.


6. Venn Diagram VI (above). Where are they now? Anybody, anybody? Sen. Sanders? AOC?


7. Venn Diagram VII (above).  On those who understand the economic benefits of job-creating tax cuts while failing to understand that increases in tariffs are job-killing tax hikes.


8. Venn Diagram VIII (above). On those who fail to understand that voluntary trade is win-win and mutually beneficial regardless of whether the buyer and seller are on the same side, or different sides, of imaginary lines called national borders.


9. Venn Diagram IX (above). On those who selectively claim that discrimination is the main explanatory factor when there are differences in earnings between two groups.


10. Venn Diagram X (above). On those who support government grants for women but support Biden’s efforts to erase women and girls as a category in the law.


11. Venn Diagram XI (above). On those who love diversity and hate diversity at the same time?


12. Venn Diagram XII (above). On the double-standard for racial discrimination and racial equity for Asian-Americans.


13. Venn Diagram XIII (above). On those who support relaxed academic standards for preferred minority groups, not realizing that means those groups must be less qualified and proficient on average.


14. Venn Diagram XIV (above). Currency manipulation usually means in reality “manipulated in our favor,” resulting in lower prices for Americans. Why should we complain about that?


15. Venn Diagram XV (above). On those who understand that market forces determine wages in the labor markets…. but only sometimes.


16. Venn Diagram XVI (above). On the double-standard for Chinese racism.


17. Venn Diagram XVII (above). If climate science is settled, why the endless need for funding to confirm the settled “consensus”?



18. Venn Diagram XVIII (above) on progressive/liberal inconsistency when it comes to “tax cuts for the rich.”

19. Venn Diagram XIX (above). On the selective support/condemnation of embargoes/boycotts.


20. Venn Diagram XX (above) on equal treatment by race vs. the new “racial equity” (more accurately “racial inequity”).

Happy Birthday, John Venn!

The post Celebrating the birthday of John Venn, creator of the Venn diagram, with what else? Some Venn diagrams! appeared first on American Enterprise Institute – AEI.