American Heart Association joins anti-e-cigarette bandwagon

The American Heart Association meets this weekend in Philadelphia and it just can’t resist jumping on the anti-e-cigarette bandwagon.

Timing is everything in policy and right now policy is towards banning most flavors of e-cigs. The conflation of lung injury death with e-cig use perpetuated by CDC and other agencies is not backed up by evidence and is arguably unforgivable. The understandable desire to limit teen use of e-cigarettes is aided by the deaths from lung injury (almost certainly caused by THC oil-based vaping) even though the two have little in common other than the fact they both involve vaping.

This weekend the AHA will see presentations of why e-cigs may even be more harmful than smoking. It is quite remarkable that such papers will be presented since they rely on a complete disregard of epidemiological sense. In short, smokers and vapers generally have less healthy lifestyles than non-smokers. For a complete demolition of the AHA position see Dr Siegel’s recent blog.

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