Arthur Matuszewski, VP of Talent at, to speak at engage.talent Feb. 6

Attracting younger workers is crucial to the future of the mortgage industry, but many companies are struggling to connect their company’s values and culture with Millennials and those in Gen Z. That’s why we’ve asked Arthur Matuszewski, vice president of talent at, to speak at HousingWire’s engage.talent summit Feb 6.

Matuszewski will join James Hecht, executive vice president of national retail lending at Caliber Home Loans, and Haley Parker, area business development manager at Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp., to discuss The Impact of Company Culture on Attracting and Retaining Top Talent. takes a unique approach to origination, and we sat down with Matuszewski to find out how the company is attracting younger workers and why it plans to double hiring this year.

HousingWire:  Where do mortgage companies struggle in connecting their company’s values or culture with younger workers?

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Arthur Matuszewski: Homeownership is both a critical component of our customers’ lives and one that is difficult for Millennials and Gen Z as many are saddled with student debt, shrinking incomes and rising living costs, particularly in major metro areas. Our goal is to align our employee experience with our customer experience and demonstrate to both that the work of giving everyone a home they love is critical, meaningful and engaging when approached from a process of mutual trust, rapport and discovery. 

HW: What are some hallmarks of the company culture at

AM: We endeavor towards a company where a combination of heart, horsepower, humility and hustle can unlock possibility. We’re about creating meaningful work alongside meaningful relationships where you can do your best work while enabling more customers to live in a home they love. 

HW: What makes you excited to recruit people into this industry?

AM: Mortgage is a filing cabinet industry – everybody wins when you can provide a better product at a better price with a better experience. The work is meaningful and the challenges of transforming an industry impacting the lives and communities of so many of us are legion. We’re excited to write a new playbook for how consumers interact with credit, and the main drivers of that are our people.

HW: What do you think the next year looks like for mortgage recruiting?

AM: We hired 1,000 people in 2019 and we’re expecting to roughly double that number over the next year. The realities of the market are cyclical, and we’re expanding our other business ventures to reduce our exposure to some of that volatility and ensure our people are at their highest and best use regardless of what’s going on in the industry. 

HW: Why are you excited to speak at engage.talent?

AM: Homeownership is fundamentally a human business, empowering the talent that powers all of our interactions is critical. Talent itself is changing an environment of ever-increasing specialization and liquidity and it’s even more critical to create engagement that reduces confusion, drives autonomy and purpose and gives people meaning. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to gain insight from Matuszewski and other experts at the engage.talent summit Feb. 6. Register here.

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