4 New ways to maximize social media and protect online information

In today’s market, it’s vital to maximize lead generation tools that are free or low cost and social media fits the bill. The NAR 2021 Technology Survey found that social media is the No. 1 lead generation tool for agents, and The Close similarly reported that four in five agents are using social media to grow their business this year.

By: Linda Yacoub, CEO/Product Officer, Listing Alert

As an agent, you probably find yourself turning to social media to grow your business more than ever before. The NAR 2021 Technology Survey found that social media is agents’ #1 lead generation tool, and The Close similarly reported that four in five agents are using social media to grow their business this year.

When used strategically, it can be an effective, low- to no-cost marketing approach that can set you apart from the competition. However, it can also prove ineffective if you’re not consistent, thoughtful and strategic about your posts. It can even harm business if agents unwittingly break compliance or put sensitive data at risk. 

With the following tips, real estate professionals can be sure they’re using the best social media practices to support lead generation and build their reputation among existing and potential customers.

Build a library of video content

Video content is one of the hottest trends that isn’t going away, and agents should embrace it today. TikTok, for example, has heavily influenced how other social platforms present content and how users engage with that content, especially on Instagram and Facebook. You don’t have to become a full-fledged TikToker or even an influencer, but you do need to understand the power of video so that you may strategically market yourself online.

Set aside time every month to record two types of videos: timely and evergreen. Whether you work with first-time homebuyers or luxury clients, think about what their current and future concerns are and address them in video. In addition, think about the stories you can tell. Do you have anecdotes you’re always sharing with your customers? Did you just close a deal on a challenging property? Record it!

In short time, you’ll have amassed a content library that can be reused two to three times a year. You can host those videos on YouTube and shorten then to post to TikTok. This supports increased visibility that can attract more followers and help you market toward your key audiences.

Post about yourself, not just your listings

When past, current and future customers look at your pages, they’re looking at your work and testimonials — but they also want to know who you are outside of being a great agent. Every agent is posting about their work and current listings. How are you differentiating yourself from other agents? What makes the sales experience you provide unique?

You can easily set yourself apart from the crowd by posting about your life, interests and hobbies online — it’s a great way to spark discussion online and in the real world. Create a personal connection with the audience by humanizing yourself with what you post.

Let people know that your fantasy football team is racking up points, that you’re hiking across the state with your dog, or anything that makes you, you. You can also use posts or stories to give followers insight into your everyday workflow and what it’s like to work with you.

This is a simple but surefire way to make your social media presence and you yourself stand out, and showcase yourself as a personable professional. Just be sure you’re also prioritizing your safety with what you post.

Keep compliance top of mind

All agents are aware of the federal, state and local laws they must be compliant with — but some make unintentional errors on social media that can cause problems down the road. This can lead to ethics violations, a harmed reputation, and even fines in serious cases.

Chances are that you’ve been part of a private Facebook group in your current brokerage or at a previous one, where agents discussed listings, customers and ongoing transactions. But hosting these communications in such an environment can pose problems down the line when it comes to compliance. Certain conversations or documents shared online, for example, may need to be compliantly stored and archived according to your state’s laws — something Facebook cannot do.

In order to avoid potential issues that may arise by using Facebook to communicate, the best practice is to use a protected communications platform in your brokerage that is built with compliance in mind. This can guarantee that all agents are compliant in their digital communications.

Protect sensitive information online

With agents relying on social media more than ever before, be aware of its potential dangers. The frequency of cyber crimes have spiked in just the past few years. Criminals are on the prowl for lucrative information, and smaller businesses are increasingly becoming common targets.

This is yet another reason why agents should be careful with what they post online, and even share in private groups with other agents. Never assume that any information sent privately online is secure — all it takes is for one bad actor to engage in a successful phishing campaign, log into your Facebook account and access anything you’ve shared in posts or messages. This can ultimately compromise sensitive customer information, which may include financial information, transaction details and closing date — leaving customers vulnerable to scams and other crimes.

In addition, hackers may access other sensitive information related to your brokerage. If you’ve ever shared in a Facebook message where certain documents or keys for listed properties are located in the office, for example, that could easily land in the wrong hands and compromise your physical workspace as well.

To protect yourself, your brokerage and customers from becoming victims to cyber criminals, make sure your social media accounts are secure. Standard safety practices include using unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and ensuring answers for password recovery questions aren’t easily guessed or learned.

Moving away from less secure communication platforms, and adopting one with compliance in mind that’s designed specifically for agents, also helps ensure data is safely stored.

Agents can create meaningful business growth online by finding what works best for them and creating a regular rhythm for their social media presence.

At the same time, they must also be aware of the risks that always come with the internet. By balancing both needs, agents can successfully market themselves, building a great reputation in their market and beyond.

Linda Yacoub is the CEO/Product Officer of Listing Alert.

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