Real estate leaders, be a force of clarity among the chaos

Are you enjoying the remaining summer days while trying to drown out the noise of the various high-stress external factors we’re seeing in our industry and world today?

It’s no secret that tensions are high, a large number of professionals are burnt out – and while some might be wondering if it is ever going to end, others have concluded that this is simply the new normal, as if such could exist in an ever-changing world.

It doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. In fact, we are all called to step up. As leaders, we have the opportunity to make choices that positively impact our teams, organizations, and relationships.

And as you explore ways to take care of yourself, your brokerage, team, or the people in your life while alleviating possible anxieties and frustrations, know that you are not alone. Also know that you can be a force of clarity among the chaos — starting with the decision to focus not only on the value in the bottom line, but the people.

I believe there is no better time than now to show your humility, authenticity, empathy, and remain optimistic. Watch how your focus positively shifts that of the teams and agents you lead, as well as that of the people in your life.

Start with humility.

Now is not the time to lead with your ego. Remember that you are a leader with great influence over your brokerage, agents, or team, and they will likely recognize acts of humility as a sign of trust. This trust allows for a better work environment producing results despite the ongoing volatility in the market. Putting yourself in their shoes will allow you to understand their frustrations and anxieties, and ultimately lead to making better decisions. This mutual respect is important when you are considering many external factors impacting your brokerage. Teams that stick together, stay together.

Remain optimistic.

While some might believe that in today’s divisive atmosphere, optimism seems rather ignorant, be assured that it is not. Optimism goes a long way. Remain optimistic and allow for positivity in your brokerage and among your agents and staff. By focusing on the good news, rather than the bad, you’ll see how the energy and culture of your organization shifts. The way you carry yourself as a leader has a ripple effect on the entire brokerage, so be cautious, and self-aware in situations that may foster any negativity.

Don’t dwell too far in the future.

Unpredictable times usually don’t have a positive impact on our worry meter but worry rarely leads to good things. Remember that we only control the decisions we make in the present moment, which lead to certain outcomes down the road. So, keep making those decisions even while your long-term plans may seem a bit hazy at this moment in time. Staying in the moment and making sure your teams are taken care of will lift you in the right direction for the future.

Marion Weiler is brokerage growth strategist and CEO of Weiler International LLC

This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of RealTrends’ editorial department and its owners.

To contact the author of this story:
Marion Weiler at

To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Tracey Velt at

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