The Closing Exchange provides a wide variety of signing solutions for lenders looking to deliver eClosings

As more lenders look to deliver eClosings, they are finding that the right partner makes a difference. 

The Closing Exchange (TCX) partners with its clients to configure solutions to support their workflow at every stage of their digital evolution. Whether a lender is just beginning the journey to offer eClosing options or is looking for a more flexible, scalable model to offer clients, TCX is the perfect partner to deliver a dynamic eClosing solution.

TCX provides a full spectrum of signing solutions, including mobile notary, eSigning, hybrid eSignings, IPEN and RON. Its signing solutions are delivered by TCX’s proprietary and integrated CXChoice platform, along with more than 80,000 vetted and trained notaries across the country with specialties in areas such as RON, HELOCs, loan modification, high net worth and reverse mortgage.

CXChoice is an integrated SaaS technology and production platform used to assign notaries to each order, based upon criteria set by the client. CXChoice also offers a variety of tools to enable the eClosing process:

  • A Learning Management module, allowing notaries to develop specialization in RON and other topics
  • An Interactive Scheduler tool, allowing borrowers to select their signing date and time
  • An Automatic Document Tagging engine, which creates electronic tags that can be loaded into IPEN/RON platforms via XML/JSON
  • Status updates and signed documents pushes to the client’s production system via API/email

The CXChoice platform leverages integrations with title production software platforms, loan/transaction management platforms and other API to provide clients with the seamless ability to work within their native environment to provide borrowers with their choice of how to close a loan or complete a loan modification. 

Working with TCX means access to its blend of technology and services, configured to a client’s workflow, including:

  • Ability to select the signing type when placing a signing/closing order and the ability to switch from one signing type to another seamlessly without changing vendors
  • Access to TCX’s RON-trained notary panel, with specific training on various integrated RON platforms, including Nexsys ClearSign, DocuSign Notary, Expedite/DocVerify and eNotaryLog
  • Ability to leverage TCX’s smart document-tagging engine and templates for electronic document tagging, backed by quality control performed by its Digital Services Team
  • Use of its new Interactive Scheduler to allow borrowers to schedule their RON session

TCX provides a perfect mix of technology and service, providing its clients with the choice of how to close a loan at every stage of its digital evolution. Its integrations with transaction management platforms, as well as integrations and partnerships with eClosing platforms, make it easy for clients to seamlessly order and provide eClosing options. And its technology also includes tools to make the workflow efficient and scalable. 

“Our technology and service model is designed to enable companies to configure their workflow dynamically as they move along the eClosing adoption curve,” said TCX CEO Alan Frelix. “Whether the client needs a full-service eClosing solution or a ‘bring your own notary’ option, The Closing Exchange provides an integrated solution.”


Alan Frelix, CEO

Alan Frelix, CEO of The Closing Exchange, is a former senior executive of Bank of America/Countrywide, President of LandSafe Title (national title agency) and Managing Director, Stewart Title Lender Services. He has more than 25 years of experience in financial services, business services and management consulting.

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