HousingWire Magazine: July 2022

Brena Nath,
Director of HW+ and Events

Last September, I ran into Dalila Ramos, who now is founder of Love and Tacos Media, but at the time, she served as vice president of diversity and growth at Equity Prime Mortgage. I was getting ready to lead a panel on minority homeownership for our own conference — HousingWire Annual — and was asking leaders in minority homeownership for their input on the topic.

Questions like “How do we make a tangible impact to increase homeownership?” and “How can lenders and brokerages support it?” were top of mind.

Around the same time, there was also a major increase in diversity, equity and inclusion roles at companies, a topic that Ramos and I were able to chat at length about. How can companies make sure this role isn’t just check-ing a box? How do they empower this position to create change?

With the July issue focusing on minority homeownership, I wanted to amplify these same people who I have been asking these questions to over the last year. Starting on page 22, you’ll see Ramos, along with people like Montell Watson, director of diversity lending at Movement Mortgage, who answer questions like the ones I just mentioned. I’d highly recommend reading what they have to say and also finding ways to implement their answers in your life.

The post HousingWire Magazine: July 2022 appeared first on HousingWire.