5 real estate to-dos to enter the new year with a clean slate

OK, friends. Here we are, the end of December 2022, how are you doing? I hope that you’re taking some time to relax and reset, and maybe even enjoying a longer-than-normal break from “real Estating” because of the way that the holidays are falling this year (two weekends off!)

But, as you’re cleaning up the wrapping paper and ribbons, reaching the end of the holiday movie queue on Netflix, and coming out of your eggnog-induced sleep, now is the perfect time to tackle a few little things that can make a big difference and help you enter the New Year with a clean slate and a ready-to-work mindset:

End the year with inbox zero

Your incoming emails have probably slowed down a bit over the last few days, making this a perfect time to empty and organize it, and maybe even keep it empty!

Don’t overthink this task. I use this strategy to keep my inbox at 0:

  • If an email needs no action on your behalf, archive it immediately.
  • If a message just needs a simple reply that you can write in a minute or less, respond and then archive it immediately.
  • If the email will need more thought and the response isn’t urgent, snooze it to a time and date when you can handle it — later today, next week, etc. Get it out of your way and it will reappear when the time is right.

Send a New Year card or text

Even if you sent holiday cards to your entire database, take time in the days leading up to January 1st to think about your people, and reach out with a personal message. It’s a thoughtful way to stay in flow with them. Make sure to acknowledge any life, family or work changes that they might have had recently — don’t just copy + paste!

Complete your 2023 business plan 

This should already be checked off your list, but if not, there’s no time like the present. Don’t know where to start? Here you go:

5 Elements of a Profit-Producing Business Plan

It’s time for your strategic business planning session

Tips for building your 2023 real estate business plan

Commit to one new business-building habit 

You know those things that you hear about other Realtors doing? The things you always push off your to-do list because you can’t find the time? Those things you always feel a little regret or guilt for not getting to? Choose one and add it to your calendar. 

Need a push? These are some of the things successful Realtors have made habits of:

– Send 2 handwritten cards every day
– Send 2 CMA’s every week
– Write your daily affirmations every morning
– Have 50 real estate conversations every week and track them
– Create and send a regular e-newsletter
– Send one mailer every month
– Do 2 Open Houses every month
– Work floor time once every week

Action creates action. This is the work of real estate.

Commit to one new habit for you

I’m not super huge on New Year’s Resolutions, but, in addition to choosing a ‘Word of the Year’, I always commit to a new habit. It’s amazing how fast habits become part of your routine and part of your life if you just do them!


– Adopting a daily meditation practice
– Adding a new weekly workout to your schedule (sign up and pay in advance if possible!)
– Reading one chapter of any book every day (start with Atomic Habits or Tiny Habits)
– Sleeping with your phone in another room
– Drinking more water

Use an app like Streaks (for iPhone users) or HabitNow (for Android users) to help your new habit stick!

Happy New Year, and cheers to a successful, balanced and wonderful 2023!

Stacie Staub is the co-founder and CEO of West + Main Homes.

The post 5 real estate to-dos to enter the new year with a clean slate appeared first on RealTrends.